SV Zingaro
Follow along with the adventures of (Sailing Vessel) SV Zingaro, as Captain James and Kimmi cruise, free dive, and explore the world in his 38ft Crowther Spindrift catamaran. They have the look and feel of modern day pirates as they sail from Miami, FL to Cuba, Jamaica, Columbia, Mexico, Panama, and on their way to explore the Pacific. They have a super chill vibe, and you’ll instantly fall in love with both of them.
I am entertained by the amount of things that go wrong every day while aboard their floating utopia. It’s a great display of frustration, patience and resolve to work through the problems, and they have a little fun while doing it. I think we all feel their pain, except that they have their pain on a sailing yacht in the pacific, with tanned skin, and the sweet stench of rum on their breath.
Capt James and Kimmi are both phenomenal free divers and lovers of the ocean. With their help, we can spread the word and educate people on the importance of taking care of our oceans, especially our beloved baby sea turtles.
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